The registration fee is 200 euros.
It can be paid via paypal at the following link:
or by bank transfer.
If you pay via paypal and if the card/account is not in your name, please send an email to lithiumintheuniverse@gmail.com, specifying the details of your payment: name of the participant, account/cardholder name, date and time of the payment.
If you pay through bank transfer, please remember to indicate in the reason for payment (Causale) the participant name and the name of the Conference (it can be shortened).
Please note that the registration fee is intended bank charges excluded.
Address: via Roma n. 139 - 90015 Cefalu (Palermo) Account Holder: Associazione Cefalu and Astronomy IBAN: IT 83 P 02008 43262 000300086911 Swift: UNCRITM1L18