Session I: Big Bang nucleosynthesis, nuclear reactions and early Universe
(chair: E. Vangioni)
Lithium predictions in the standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis
C. Pitrou -
Theoretical study of the astrophysical capture reaction a+d --> 6Li+g and primordial abundance of 6Li in three-body model
E. Tursunov -
Experimental challenges for the lithium problem in Big Bang nucleosynthesis
N. Rijal -
Measurement of nuclear reactions that create and destroy lithium and beryllium during BBN
B. Davids -
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with time-dependent quark mass
K. Mori -
Cosmological solutions to the Lithium problem
G. Mathews
(chair: M. Asplund)
Primordial Nucleosynthesis after Planck: Concordances, Lithium Problems, and Dark Matters
B. Fields -
Primordial 7Li puzzle: particle physics or stellar physics?
G. Farrar -
Chemical separation of Li + ions by primordial magnetic field before the Galaxy formation
M. Kusakabe -
Inhomogeneous primordial magnetic field and its impact on Big Bang lithium problem
Y. Luo -
The role of lithium in first stars nucleosynthesis patterns
R. De Boer
Session II: Lithium in stellar structure and evolution
The evolution of Lithium content in low-mass pre-main sequence stars and its connection with rotation
J. Bouvier -
Lithium during the pre-MS accretion phase
S. Cassisi
(chair: I. Dominguez)

How much 7Li can be theoretically produced by novae?
J. Jose -
Cautions on Abundance Studies of Novae
S. Shore -
Observations of lithium and beryllium in novae
L. Izzo -
Turbulent mixing and light element production during the initiation of a classical nova explosion
G. Leidi -
Production of lithium in primordial supernovae
A. Heger -
Lithium-6 and carbon isotopic ratio as diagnostics of the lithium-enrichment mechanism in red giants
C. Aguilera -
On the lithium rich giant stars puzzle
R. de la Reza -
(chair: C. Deliyannis)
Physical processes affecting lithium in stellar interiors
N. Lagarde -
What if massive stars could produce lithium?
D. Szecsi -
Lithium evolution in RGB and AGB stars
S. Cristallo
Session III: Lithium in stellar clusters
Intermediate-to-low mass stars in open clusters and the evolution of Li
B. Twarog -
Lithium evolution in young open clusters from the Gaia-ESO survey
E. Franciosini -
The age of the Hyades from the lithium depletion boundary method
N. Lodieu
(chair: B. Anthony-Twarog)
Evolution of the correlation between Li depletion and angular momentum in open cluster F dwarfs
A. Steinhauer -
The lithium-rotation connection in the young suns of M35
R. Jeffries -
Lithium in the context of multiple populations in Globular Clusters
F. D’Antona -
Lithium and proton-capture elements in globular clusters: implications for the multiple populations
V. D’Orazi -
Lithium abundances in globular clusters
N. Sanna
Session IV: Observations of Lithium
(chair: A. Korn)
Un-evolved stars as primordial abundance tracers
K. Lind -
The primordial 7Li and 6Li problems with exquisite ESPRESSO/VLT observations
E. Wang -
Spectroscopic determination of stellar lithium abundances
M. Steffen -
Explaining the lithium meltdown in the dwarf stars using the red giant branch stars
A. Mucciarelli -
News insights in the cosmological lithium problem: lithium in the most iron-poor dwarf stars known
J. Gonzalez -
First detection of lithium in massive stars
I. Neguerela -
How atomic diffusion shapes the surface abundances of old stars
A. Korn

(chair: F. Dell’Agli)
Lithium in pre-MS stars and brown dwarfs
R. Rebolo -
Lithium depletion in open clusters and field solar twins, and the connection between Li and rocky planets
M. Carlos -
Mystery of Lithium in FS CMa Stars
D. Korcakova -
Observations of Li-rich giant stars in the Galaxy and in the Magellanic Clouds
A. Garcia- Hernandez -
The Gaia-ESO survey: lithium in evolved giant stars
L. Magrini -
The Lithium-rich giants in LAMOST Survey
H. Yan -
Interstellar lithium in nearby galaxies
C. Howk
Session V: Lithium in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies
(chair: M. Hernanz)
Lithium and the chemical evolution of the Milky Way
F. Matteucci -
Lithium enrichment in the Galaxy: A study using the GALAH and Gaia surveys
Deepak -
Origin of Li anomaly in core He burning stars: Constraints on Galactic Li enrichment
B. Yerra -
From the cosmological lithium problem to the Galactic lithium evolution
X. Fu -
Lithium evolution in the Milky Way discs: the view using large stellar samples
R. Smiljanic -
The AMBRE project: Lithium in the Galactic discs and nature of Li-rich giants
P. de Laverny -
Signatures of stellar depletion in the Spite plateau
J. Melendez
(chair: M. Castellani)